Art washes away from the soul
the dust of everyday life

Naïve Artist

I prefer to work in a Naïve Style and I find the creative process very natural. I thoroughly enjoy the fact that I can just create art and I don't have to adhere to the rules of traditional styles.

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About me
Painting 021
About Maritza

Born and raised in Worcester, South Africa, my interest in Art started from a very young age and I have been painting now for 30 years. From about 13 years of age I started experimenting with drawing in different mediums and then moved to painting in acrylics and oils, focusing on different styles. From the age of 16 years I took Art as on of my major subjects in school. I never had formal training in Art after school and consider myself as a self-taught artist, consistently researching and trying different mediums, styles and subject matter.

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The outlet for my art is via Instagram and Facebook.

When I plan an exhibition you will find the details here and on Facebook.